Friday, April 9, 2010


Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I feel like there is so much I'm doing and trying to soak it all in, but there's not time to blog about it in between.... I'll do my best to catch up this weekend! :)

So, after our 12 day adventure, I had to start school. Now, I know school is the reason I'm here, but honestly it wasn't something any of us were really looking forward to. I take that back, I was looking forward to getting into a routine, but not really having homework. Class for me starts at 9am, Monday-Thursday, and the latest I go is until 1230pm. I'm taking Intro to Drama (hate it!), Travel Writing (ehh, it's ok), History of the British Empire (basically learning what I learned in 201 last term) and a British Culture class (probably my favorite mainly because of the guy that's been teaching it). Intro to Drama and Travel Writing are back to back on Mondays and Wednesdays with the same teacher. This is her first term doing a study abroad and while I like her, she's not really holding back on how much homework she's giving out. I realize we are here to learn, but we are also here to experience London and not just do homework all the time. History of the British Empire we have 4 papers to write all term and I think they only have to be 2 pages. The culture class we don't have homework and get to go on field trips!

Now, 9am isn't that early to start school, but I live so far away that I have to leave my house at 730am in order to get to school in time. Relying on public transportation is something I'm definitely not used to; I have to take a bus then take the tube. It's a great system when it works, but the second day of class about 1/3 of my Tube line was shut down which meant I had to find another way to class. Closures happen all the time, but not generally on the Piccadilly line because it's a pretty big one and is the only one that takes you to the airport, so this was kind of a big deal. They told us to take buses or overground trains... right. I'd only been on one bus and knew how to get to and from the tube station, that was it. So, I followed the masses. Ended up (finally) on a overground train in what was basically a holding cell because there were so many people trying to get on. There weren't any windows except for a small one on the door and I wasn't entirely sure how the door opened since there was no handle, but since other people were getting in there I figured it was somewhat safe. Someone had to pry the door open from the outside to let us out, but we finally made it to a tube stop that ran a different line. Got to class at about 945am, but luckily the teacher was fairly understanding since it was the 2nd day and there wasn't much we could have done about it.

I'm done with 2 weeks now and for the most part school has been pretty uneventful, just like it is at home. It's crazy to think that I've already been gone from home for almost a month. Some days it seems like longer, some days it seems like I just left. I'm adjusted to life over here, but I do miss seeing all the big, green open spaces. Oh and the smell of country life, like dirt. Even though I miss home, once we leave it's going to be so weird to not see all of the people in my group everyday. Most of us are already pretty close and it's only been 2 weeks, imagine how it's going to after 10... actually, don't, because I'd rather not think about leaving just yet. This has already been the most amazing experience of my life and it's going by way to fast.

Wow, I think this is a first time I've done a post without any pictures. A few of us went to Dover last weekend and today we did Oxford and Salisbury as a group so I'll get pictures up from all of that as soon as I can. I'm heading to the pub now... :)

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