Sunday, April 4, 2010

London continued

Tuesday morning, we headed straight for Abbey Road and did our walk across the crosswalk. Thanks to the guy from UC Riverside for standing in the street to take our picture. I put it on the continuous shutter setting and told him to hold down the button and this is what we got:

Once we finished with the crosswalk, we went to sign the wall in front of Abbey Studios:

After that, we just kind of wandered around. We went to Baker Street and saw the huge Sherlock Holmes statue...

The Baker Street Tube Station is probably my favorite of all of them I've been in because they have the inside totally decked out with little Sherlock Holmes all over the place.

We also checked out the Beatles Memorabilia store. The have so much stuff in there. Most of it we either couldn't afford or couldn't get home, so all I bought was a pen.

We also went back to Harrods to shop around a little more then headed to the River Thames and went on the London Eye. I had done it before, but not at night. It was pretty cool! It's kind of hard to get good night pictures though the capsule, but here are some of the best ones I got:

And here are some from the ground before we went up:

After we were done on the London Eye, we headed to Cinnabon to get some dinner. :) This might have had something to do with the cute boy that was working there when we were there the first time... unfortunately he wasn't working this time. But, Cinnabon has a pretty good motto for life if you ask me:

Ok, skipping over Wednesday in Amsterdam and onto Thursday, Mom's last day in London. We didn't do too much this day because Mom wanted to make sure we were back at the hotel so she could check in for her flight home. I'd arranged with my host mom to have her sister meet us and take me to my new house so that I didn't have to lug all my luggage around too. So, we went to make sure we had the right bank and of course she was out to lunch. We decided that sounded like a good idea too, so where else did we head to but the Hard Rock Cafe.

The HRC in London is the original, so downstairs in their store they have a vault of continually changing rock memorabilia that you can go look at. I did this before when I was in London with Debbie and because we were part of a tour group, we got to actually touch some of the stuff. John Lennon's Army jacket was there and we actually got to try it on. His jacket is still there now, but it had to stay in the case this time so Mom had to settle for a picture by it instead:

Also seen in the vault:

Gene Simmons' guitar-

A life-sized Slash, without a head -

A Kurt Cobain shrine -

Freddie Mercury's chair -

Once we were done at lunch, we headed back to the bank to meet the sister. She was helping someone when we get there, so mom headed back to the hotel and I stayed at waited for her. Of course the person she was helping was some little old lady needing an IRA (OK, so I don't know this for sure, but the lady didn't have a clue what was going on) and an hour later she was finally done. I introduced myself and made she what time we were supposed to meet and headed back to the hotel to finish packing up my stuff. We had to meet her at 5pm and by the time I got back to the hotel it was already after 4. So we rushed around and shoved all my stuff into the suitcases and were back at the bank and ready for her when she got off work.

It was so much easier only hauling one persons stuff around that night! She took us to my host mom Dee's (I know right? I was clearly meant to be!) house and we ended up staying and chatting with Dee and her sister for almost an hour.

** Side note - I put in a request to be roomed with Ann who also goes to LB and when we got our rooming assignments, we hadn't been put together. I emailed the housing director and they stared working on getting it switched right away. In the email we were given the contact information for our families and were told we could contact then. It sounded amazing (which it is!) but didn't want to contact her just in case I got moved out of her house. But, she ended up emailing me and gave me more info about her and her girls and the house and I decided that I needed to make sure that they moved Ann into my house and not the other way around. Here is what she sent:

I live with my two daughters Lauren 19 and Olivia 10. I have a split level Edwardian house which is on five floors. This is not a large house by American standards but I hope you will find it homely and that your time here in London will be enjoyable. You will be sharing a room with a girl called Natalie (not really!) at the top of the house and will have your own en-suite. You are more than welcome to use the other rooms in the house and I really want you to be able to enjoy your time here. I have broadband and there is a Tv in the room.

The biggest factor was that her name is Dee and I just felt like that was some kind of sign that this is where I was supposed to be and that Poppa was in some way approving and maybe even proud of what I was doing. As you can tell, I got my way and am living in Dee's house! :) **

Dee's sister took us back to the tube station and we headed to Cinnabon, (come on, it was on the way home, it's not like we went out of the way to get there) and my cute boy was working again. He totally remembered us too! And he made sure to give me the coldest Coke he could find, which in all honestly wasn't that cold, but it was the thought that counts!

After that we headed back to our hotel for Mom's last night with me here in London. Here are some pictures of our room, that turned out not to be as bad as we had originally thought:

I got stuck in the shower. If you want the story for that one, ask me and I'll tell you... but it's not going on blogger. :)

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