Thursday, April 22, 2010

Easter and pink eye

This was only the second time that I can remember that I wasn't at Gramma's house for Easter and well, it just isn't right. Especially since our host mom left with Olivia (the younger daughter) to vacation in the States for 10 days. But, I did find a Russell Stover white chocolate bunny hidden in my backpack (thanks mama!) so that helped. Mostly I just hated not being able to be at dinner with everyone. The posse had to meet without me, but it was nice to talk to everyone on Skype... even Ryder who cried because it freaked him out.

Chocolate from our host mom:

Oh, I also forgot to mention that I had pink eye a couple weeks ago too. One of my teachers asked me in class one day if my eye was ok and I told her it was kind of itchy, but I figured that it was just because it was time to change my contacts. Later that same day when we went to get our bus tickets to Dover, a couple other people asked me and I decided to just take my contacts out and throw them away. My eye would not stop running and it was burning, but I just figured something was under my contact and was scratching my eye. I got on Skype later and was talking to Scott and told him what was going on and that stuff was starting to drain out of my eye and we decided (through Web MD of course!) that it was Pink Eye. Ok, so the picture is gross, but I'm putting it up anyway....

The next day I went to Boots (the UK equivalent of Rite Aid or Walgreens) and told the people in the pharmacy what was going on, they looked at my eye and gave me prescription for medicated eye drops and away I went. It's so convenient for times like this when you don't really need a doctor... we should get on that in America. Cheap too, only cost like 5 pounds.

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