Sunday, March 14, 2010


Mom and I finally got out of town this morning at about 1045am to head to Seattle to catch our flight. They told us our luggage had to be checked in by 530pm for our 735pm departure, so we wanted to make sure we allowed enough time to get there and get parked. We parked at around 4pm thinking we were doing great on time. Then the shuttle driver dropped us off and we couldn't figure out how to get from the drop-off area inside the airport. Finally I asked some nice people who told us we had to cross the street the other side and take an elevator up to the terminal level. Still feeling good about time, we got to the British Airways counter only to find out our flight had been delayed and would now depart at 850pm. We made our way to the terminal and I decided to make use of their free wifi (which honestly has almost been more trouble than it was worth. If I get five minutes at a time I'm lucky).

With four hours to kill until we leave, here's how we are spending our time:

Mom decided to take a snooze while I was on the phone saying goodbye to one of my friends since I won't be able to talk to him for three months...

Then she woke up and decided to check again to make sure we have all the papers we need...

Here is me talking to Dad while watching my tv at home on my computer. He setup my Slingbox for me and it's pretty much the best invention ever. Thanks for setting it up dad!

The outlets here don't really hold the plugs in, so mom came up with the brilliant idea to use my contact case to hold the plugs in place...

Our plane just pulled in and it's huge (the picture doesn't really do it justice!) Right now, after a combined 7 hours of sleep in the last two nights, I'm really happy that we choose to do the upgrade to business class!

Next blog will be from Dublin!


  1. I am excited to see how you like Busness Class and if it was anything like I described. Also praying and hoping for no extra baggage charge for you all. Have fun!

  2. It was not. The seats were a little bigger, but they put all the controls on the insides so my leg kept hitting the holder for the remote control. Not really worth the money in my opinion. I'm going to go on and pay for my seat for my flight home ahead of time and try to get a bulk head which will give me more room.

    On a good note, we checked the baggage through from Seattle and it made it just fine!
