Sunday, May 2, 2010

Oxford and Stratford Upon Avon

We had a day trip to Oxford planned through the program, but due to poor planning by AIFS, we couldn't actually go on campus like we were supposed to be able to because they were having exams. This mean that I didn't get to see the room that is used as the Great Hall in the Harry Potter movies... I was bummed. We did get to walk around the outside of the campus a little bit though:

We also got to climb up to the roof of the building where they hold the induction and graduation ceremonies and got to see what the city looks like from above:

So since we weren't able to do much in Oxford, AIFS arranged for us to go to Stratford Upon Avon too. This is where William Shakespeare was born and died, on the same day, which was the day we were there. There were celebrations going on everywhere.

We spent most of our time at his house:

The gardens at his house were so pretty. There were tulips everywhere!

Once we were done at his house, we headed over to the church where he is buried and saw his grave:

All in all it was a pretty fun day!

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